Church Leadership Team

Church Leadership Team

Rev. Richard & Larrie Sherlock

Our Minister Richard Sherlock and his wife Larrie are part of the Leadership team here at Burgh. His sound bible teaching and pastoral heart help us all to know Christ better here in Burgh. An average congregation of around 60 comprising of all ages from toddlers to octogenarians. The church is open in some form most days of the week serving the community. The leadership of the church Comprises The Minister and 6 deacons elected from within the congregation to serve in a range of crucial roles within the church – prayer ministry, coordinating house groups, evangelism, dealing with money, distributing practical resources, managing property, social events, administration etc.
Our leadership team work closely with other members of the church who lead the various ministries. The word ‘deacon’ simply means servant. Although all Christians are called to be like Jesus in serving others, deacons are specifically called to model this: to be leaders in living a life of servanthood.

Elected Church Deacons

Colin Bowden

Colin Bowden

Church Secretary

Deacon Julia Page

Julia Page

Church Treasurer


Becky Baggley

Youth Deacon

Jane Martin


Jane Waterman 



John Short

Life Deacon

Maureen Brown



Jim Jamieson

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