Connecting with the community of Burgh-le-Marsh
Burgh Baptist Community Church connects with the community in a number of ways.
Our Sunday Club Leader works at the local nursery
Our retired minister is also a voluntary School Governor. He supports the teaching staff and a team from the church goes into the school once a week to lead the assembly.
Dance fit is a popular way to keep fit and is well supported.
Make & Create is a craft group for everyone to enjoy. bring your own craft or learn a new one.
Community Cuppa offers a warm space to enjoy a coffee morning with friends. Our volunteers organize walks round the town on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 10am. they can also offer advice for anyone struggling with or caring for someone with mental health issues.
Our congregation live and work in the area and support the local businesses.
There are a number of ways for you to connect with the church. We are open to all on a Sunday at 10.30 am for the Worship Service. Even if you are not a believer but are just curious and would like to know what it’s all about, we will arrange a Christianity Explored course for you with no obligation.
If you are struggling and would like us to pray for you please get in touch.
Burgh Baptist Community Church
Burgh le Marsh
PE24 5LT
TEL: 07459871013

As I sit looking out the window,
Looking at all the plants and flowers,
Watching the bird flitting by
Singing as they go,
Merrily on their way.
No cares or woes
Only joyous song.
Then, yes, I stop and think
Many thanks have I,
Oh yes.
So grateful it’s not I
Lying there in that hospital bed.
So many thanks have I.
So much to be grateful for.
Thank you, Lord, for shielding
And caring for me, by so many ways known and unknown
You are always there ready.
Thank you, Lord,
So many thanks have I
By Tricia
Happy are we
Happy are we Your children.
Servants of the Lord,
Your daily blessings cover us,
Surrounding us with love.
Grant to our minds such pleasant thoughts
That we may face tomorrow,
Walking in obedience,
Living by Your word,
Striving to know You better
That we may do Your will.
Open our eyes in darkness to see the eternal light
To see our Saviour’s footsteps
And follow faithfully on,
Strengthened by His guiding hand
As by His grace we stand.
Tomorrow may bring its sorrows
When hope seems far away
But always You are there for us.
Keep us Lord we pray.
By Carol
Natures Glorious Reveille
The blackbird rejoices at the new day’s dawn
Sing praise this beautiful morn
Gentle light of heavenly rays
Heralding glorious day of days
The golden rosebuds burst so fair
A joyfulness is in the air
A beauty of both flowers and bird
A delightful union is seen and heard
Thank you for the beauty of blackbird and thrush
Tunefully singing in dawn’s golden hush
Thank you for the beauty of tree and flower
Dressing Your world hour by hour
Forgive me Lord when I’ve drawn away from you
It was the last thing I wanted to do
You’re always there, my rock and stay
There really is no other way
Thank you for the moment of quiet when we are alone
When even I can approach your emerald throne
Thank you for that moment of peace
Bringing to me such sweet release
By Glennis
My Lord here I am struggling in rough, stormy waters,
with large, towering waves,
Oh how I seek thee my Lord God,
I lay down prostrate in my life,
praying to you for your comfort.
Then all of a sudden, I espy a light,
it is your lighthouse with a beckoning beam,
it is showing me your guiding path,
out of these tumultuous waters
and pointing me to the still, calm waters.
Oh my Lord God I keep my faith,
in your amazing, awesome voice of righteousness,
you leadeth me into the calm waters;
Oh my dear Lord God you are in complete control,
to guide my life into your peaceful, calm waters.
O, Lord as we kneel and pray in these dark and lonely times,
we hear the crash of thunder,
the roaring of the waves, as they lash upon the rocks,
but as those clouds open once more
and the sun doth shine,
I think of you.
I hear the birds sing in chorus, as they gather in the trees,
I see the colours of the flowers dancing in the breeze,
Just like the colours of the rainbow,
brightly glowing in the sky,
I see lambs dancing, as they play in the meadows.
I hear people cheering and clapping.
as the world is uniting in this darkest hour.
children are being born, as we sing to you,
our glorious King of Kings, Lord of Lords.
A-Ω Psalm
Almighty Ancient of Days awesome and astounding are you, Slow to anger and abounding in love. You allow us to approach your assembly.
Boldly you bestow Bountiful gifts to your beloved believers as you beckon us to abide with you beside the brooks, like branches bowing in the breeze.
Creator who cares for the captive citizen, calmer of the storm. Chastise your wayward children as you carry them into your holy community.
Devine Lord, the dawn declares your glory as it defeats the darkness. The dew drenched Daffodils dance to dispel despair and people delight in your decrees.
Everlasting Lord, each day is enriched by your edification as the empires of the earth embrace your eternal love your existence is evident everywhere.
Faithful Father, so unchanging, fill our fearful fainting hearts with faith in you. Keep famine far from our feeble frames as we feast on the fruit of your Spirit.
Gracious and gentle God guide us through the narrow gate. May our glad hearts glorify your holy name. Gather this generation and make us Godly.
Hallowed Holy One we are your handy work, heal our hardened hopeful hearts. The harvest is nigh having mercy on your heirs, hold us in the hollow of your hand.
Incomprehensible is your immense intellect. Your insights increase our imagination. Your illuminating images inform and instruct your infants.
Jehovah Jireh, our provider. Justly you judge Jacobs descendants in Jerusalem. Jails and Javelins cannot destroy the Joy of knowing Jesus.
King of Kings you knit us together before we were known. Your knowledge is vast. We knock and you answer, we kneel before you and you kiss this guilty world in love
Loving Lord you lead your leaping lambs to lush meadows. Our lowborn lives are like the lilies, but your longsuffering lamp is a light to our feet.
Majestic Maker you made mere man in your image. Many mansions await the meek. Mighty and magnificent is the Messiah whose mercy gives meaning to our lives.
Name above all names you nurture and nourish the new-born novice. Your new name gives us new life. Our needs are met nestling under your wing.
Omnipresent, Omnipotent One, in all and over all, overwhelmed we offer ourselves, in obedience, with outstretched arms overflowing with our worship to you.
Patient parent you pardon our persistent imperfections and impart your peace. You have plans to prosper us, produce in us pure hearts that perceive your purposes
Quietly you whisper to your questioning children, though we quiver and quake, our thirst for you is quenched by your calming qualities.
Righteous Ruler who reigns, rebuke the rebels and revive your ransomed refugees. Rescue and refine the remnant that they may come rejoicing into your realm.
Sovereign Saviour, Shepherd of your sheep, send your servants to show your salvation, though our sins are as scarlet, wash us and we shall be whiter than snow.
Trustworthy Teacher teach us in your temple so that our testimony is true. Turn us from our transgressions and let our trembling tongues tell of your triumphs.
Unchanging Unfailing Unlimited Upholder of justice unite your unswerving upright people of the universe against the unjust. Unleash your utmost authority.
Victoriously you have vanquished your enemies, vengeance is yours. Vindicate your people, give them voices and vision as they vow to follow you.
Worthy are you alone to be worshiped. You watch over the weak and weary, you welcome the widow and the wise you withhold your wrath and wait patiently.
Xystus reveal your power in your creation, Xanthocyparis your mighty hand. With x-ray eyes you examine our hearts and execute your will.
Yahweh you alone are God. Young and old yield to your yoke, yet it is light. Creation yearns for your coming though a thousand years is but a day to you.
Zealously you led the Israelites to your Holy mountain Zion but they spent 40 years in the desert of zin because their zeal for your word did not match your zeal for them.
Give us trusting hearts that long to abide with you Almighty God.
Come all ye people
Come all ye people, Godly and ungodly
Praise his name always
Remember him for all he hath done in our lives
Do not despair in this lockdown
For God is good and he will see all is well
In his world once more
Just listen to the birds singing
Look at all the lovely spring flowers and colours
Like the rain hath refreshed the dry and dusty land
Let our lives be refreshed again
Drenched anew in the love and care of our
Saviour Jesus Christ
Ever loving and caring
Even when we fail to acknowledge him
And give him due praises now and always
Lift up your eyes
Oh how blind are we that do not see
We look in, not outwards or downwards
Lift up your eyes skywards,
Now stand and think of
What God has done
No more despair, winters snows gone
Snow drops upward blooming
Yellow sunshine Aconites
Oh how much joy fills my soul
Yes! When I just bother to lift my eyes
Yes! To stand quiet and think
My God How Wonderful Thou Art
The birds that sing
All thy beauty that surrounds me
How brave and wonderful are the things
God hath made, they ask for nought
But continue to give joy to the
Ones who can see
Oh My God How Great Thou Art
And all thy creation.