Easter 2022

Easter Events at Burgh Baptist Church

Maundy Thursday 7pm April 14th
A time of reflection on the last 24 hours of Jesus’ life, using scripture, hymns, and will include some powerful drama and powerful songs from our own choir. The service will climax around the Lord’s Supper. Not to be missed

Good Friday – 9 – 9.30 am April 15th
We draw together, at the time Jesus was crucified, to reflect on the magnitude of God’s love for us. You are welcome to join us

Easter Saturday, April 16th
Easter Egg Treasure Trail – Join anytime between 10.00am -12noon
Commencing & finishing at the Church, this is for children and families of all ages. The trail will be along the High Street, and there will be stewards to ensure safety at all times.
There will be an Easter egg for each child taking part, and refreshments including hot cross buns at the church

Easter Sunday 8am April 17th
Early Morning communion to celebrate the risen Lord Jesus Christ, followed by bacon sarnies at around 9.00am

Easter Sunday 10.30am April 17th
Easter Service for the whole family to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. There will be a mix of traditional and contemporary worship,

You are most welcome at any of our services and events

Good News or Fake News

So often when we listen or watch the news it is difficult to determine what is truth and what is fake news
This Easter we want to share the truth that Jesus Christ, the Son of God died on the cross for our sin. Jesus took the punishment that we deserve for the wrong in our lives. Now that is good news for you and me because it is true
But the best news of all is that Jesus rose from the dead 3 days after he was crucified, because that gives us a hope and a future in this life and beyond which is amazing
However, some people say the resurrection was false, that it was and is fake news, that:

  • Jesus didn’t really die, he fainted came around in the tomb, pushed a 2 tonne stone over, and saw off 4 Roman guards. Really!
  • The disciples stole the body and pretended Jesus was alive. Would you die for a lie? Of course not!
  • Jesus didn’t really come back from the dead. The disciples saw a ghost or they hallucinated. However, Jesus ate food, cooked breakfast and appeared to lots of people, even 500 together on one occasion. Ghost doesn’t do that, and 500 people hallucinated simultaneously? Never, ever happened ever!

I could go on, but whichever way you come at the resurrection it is good news, any attempt to explain it away is fake news, but don’t just take my word for it. Why not come along on Easter Sunday Morning 10.30am, and see and hear for yourself.
In a world where much is false, especially news, please come and experience the Good News that is for all people, that Jesus Christ, the Son of God died, rose, and is alive forevermore.
We would love to see you. You would be very welcome
